  • HarvesteR

Become a Test Pilot

Sign-Ups for Closed Playtesting now Available

Hi everyone, HarvesteR here,

I have good news today. We are opening up applications for joining the Balsa Test Pilots group.

As we head towards Early Access, we want to make sure the game is as ready as it can be before it goes public.

Test Pilots get to playtest pre-release versions of the game, and give us all-important feedback and bug reports.

A good Test Pilot has to be observant and methodical to give us good issue reports. The quality of their information directly affects how well we can find and fix problems.

So if you think you have what it takes to become a Test Pilot for Balsa, send in your application via the sign-up page here:

Please note that tester slots are finite, and applications will be manually reviewed for approval.

Happy Flying!

-- Felipe (aka HarvesteR) | Lead Dev


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